Nutramino Liquid Food


Few carp bait products can compete with the ever-reliable Nutramino in terms of effectiveness and longevity; in its various guises, this high quality amino rich liquid food has been accounting for big carp from around the world for in excess of forty years… and it shows no sign of slowing!

A human food grade, pre-digested liquid food containing – amongst other things – liver, spleen extract, gastric mucosa that aid in the digestion process and an amino acid Rich profile to rival just about anything else around.

Use at anything up to 30ml per 500g mix in any type of bait along with the flavour/attractor combination of your choice, safe in the knowledge that there is no better way to boost the inbuilt digestion process and nutritional signal omitted from your finished bait.

Also perfect for soaking hook baits during the colder months for the ultimate amino acid feeding trigger. 

250ml Bottle
